Do you ever find that one no-too-well-planned project just leads to another and by the end, all this DIY-ing isn’t worth it? Happens to me more often than not. This was one of the few attempted projects that actually was relatively easy from start to finish and didn’t involve more work than bargained for.
It all started when Hubs and I went up to Baltimore to clean out a storage unit of his that he had from before we were married. We both moved a ton in the year leading up to our wedding so now that we’re relatively settled (as in we’ll stay at least 6 months), it was time to clear it out. We stuffed a U-haul and the jeep full of everything and just had a few things to drop off at the dump before heading out. Ironically, as he was dropping stuff off at the dump, I noticed we had parked next to a warehouse called “Overstock Outlet.” It looked like the perfect place to get my craft on, so we browsed a bit. It’s like the law of the conservation of energy, you know? (Do you know? Or am I revealing my nerdiness too soon?) As soon as we get rid of something, we just pick up something else so it’s always at a constant level.
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